Remarketing – A good or a bad thing?

Google Ads (Adwords) Remarketing

We’ve all visited a website, visiting several pages, perhaps even adding something to the shopping cart, then deciding against purchasing the products or services.

The next thing, you start seeing ads for that website over and over again!

It’s called remarketing and it’s a trigger available on the Google Display Network. When you visited the orginal site, Google placed a cookie or ‘tag’ on your browser and through the magic of Google Adwords remarketing, you can be shown what Google perceives as ‘relevant’ ads from that vendor as you browse other sites.

Remarketing allows you as the supplier a second-chance to make a sale by allowing you to reshow ads to previous visitors to your websites as he or she browses other sites.


We will start with the good news:

Remarketing works best for a high-value product that has a long sales cycle. An example would be a cruise. It’s expensive and a big commitment for the customer, so they will probably do lots of research, check out numeros cruise companies and discuss the options in detail with friends and family. As it’s expensive, the cost of remarketing can be money well spent.

The bad news:

Be aware that in general you have to bid high to get your remarketing ads shown on Google. Many advertisers are using remarketing so competition is fierce.

Ironically, focused ads on the Google Search Network are often cheaper than remarketing ads because of the intense competition for remarketing.

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There are a lot of things you can do to drive traffic to your website, but every user is different and it can be difficult to optimize your landing pages to facilitate a conversion. So, what happens to potential clients who might have been interested in your services but weren’t ready to pull the trigger?

If you aren’t aware, remarketing is a service provided by Google that allows you to target an audience who has already visited your website. It is important to focus on all audiences in different stages of the buying cycle. Without doing so, you are simply wasting time and money; but what are the main advantages of implementing remarketing? Let’s check out these five benefits of a Google AdWords remarketing campaign.

Custom Graphics and Brand Awareness

A lot of search engine marketers will only target the search network, which only involves ad text – no graphics. With a remarketing campaign, you can serve your ads with custom graphics that may appeal more to the end user. Of course, you can still target the search network, but in my experience, the display network tends to facilitate a higher click through rate.

Additionally, you can include your logo in these graphics, which will associate a brand to your service.

Some people respond more to text, while others respond to imagery. If you’re not cognizant of how users respond to your ads, you’re not only misusing your time, your missing out on leads, as well.

More Targeted Ad Copy

It makes sense to target users with different ad copy in relation to those who are visiting your website for the first time. For example, you might say this to a first-time user: “Atlanta Widgets For Sale – 10% Off On Sign-Up – Call Today.” With someone who has already visited your website, however, it makes more sense to change the verbiage to something like this: “Still In Need Of Widgets? Check Out Some of the Widgets You Might Have Missed.”

You don’t want to turn away potential customers because your product or service seems a bit too costly, or they’re simply not sold. However, as they are browsing other websites and your ad appears, that may be the final push to purchase. The question is, would you speak to them the same way as you would to a first-time user? No, you wouldn’t, so why do it online?

Lower Cost Per Clicks

Generally speaking, remarketing campaigns have a higher click through rate than regular display advertising campaigns. The people you are targeting are already familiar with your service or product; therefore, they are much more likely to click on your ad. You have to get the initial click in order to get a conversion. The higher your click-through rate is, the better chance you have of improving your conversion rate.

Higher Conversion Rates

The ultimate goal in Internet marketing, no matter the industry, is to get some sort of interaction out of the end user. Whether that’s through a form submission, a document download or an online sale, we want the user to engage. Someone who has already educated themselves about your product or service is one step further in the buying cycle than those visiting your site for the first time. These users are far more likely to take the next step than a new visitor.

Specific Site Selection

With remarketing, you can review which websites are performing the best in relation to click through and conversion rates. If you have a website serving your ads, and it is sending users who aren’t converting, you can prevent your ads from being served there. By only serving your ads on websites that are relevant to your business, you can help improve your return on investment.

If you have questions about remarketing and whether or not it’s a good fit for your business, contact us today.

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